

Language / Langue
Job Category / Catégorie d'emploi
Fitness / Conditionnement physique
Summer Jobs / Emplois d'été
Position Title / Titre de postes
Trainer Personal Fitness
Program Name / Nom du programme
Special Needs Weight Room C
Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement
Alternate Location / Emplacement secondaire
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9am - 12pm (3 hours per day)
Shift has orientation 1/2 hour time before and after.

Start Date / Date de début
30 Wed Jan, 2013
Qualifications / Qualités requises
Personal Training Certified Day 1 Ready
Over 2 years experience or 200+ hours working with clientele and groups in a personal training and/or group fitness training environment.
Must be an outgoing and be a personable individual able to work with an individuals special needs.
Knowledgeable in Special Needs (physical, mental,etc)
Experience with Special Needs transfers.
Time managment is an asset.
Kinesiology or Recreation degree is an asset.
Older Adult Certification is an asset.
Bilingualism is an asset.
Interested? Apply by email to: / Intéressé? Envoyez votre demande par courriel à :
Alternate Email / Courriel secondaire
Pay Grade / Échelle salariale
12C ($24.25-$32.49)
Comments / Commentaires
I do prefer the ideal candidate to be able to work all 3 days and has the knowledge of
Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes
29 Tue Jan, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 14:43:07 EST
Thursday, January 31, 2013 08:23:59 EST