
Tracker Item History

Version Date User Field ID Field Old New
3 19 Wed Jan, 2022 15:08 bouletlo _Status_ o c
2 14 Tue Dec, 2021 07:41 hiringsupervisor4 12 Program Name / Nom du programme Various, see shifts City Wide Public Skating
2 14 Tue Dec, 2021 07:41 hiringsupervisor4 42 Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement City Wide Public Skating Various, see shifts
1 14 Tue Dec, 2021 07:40 hiringsupervisor4 7 Comments / Commentaires Skating is not required but is an asset.

Candidates must have their own CSA Hockey Helmet.
Skating is not required but is an asset. Candidates must have their own CSA Hockey Helmet.

Overview of Job Duties:
- Supervise skaters on the ice and respond to incidents/accidents as necessary
- Promote helmet safety awareness
- Take cash admissions
- Record skater contact information for contact tracing
- Verify proof of skater vaccination prior to entering the facility