
Tracker Item History

Version Date User Field ID Field Old New
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 2 Shifts Program: Dance Creative Movement
• Location: Carleton Heights Community Centre
• Position: Program Leader
• Shift Time: 9:15am – 10:15am
• Dates: Saturdays
o September 14th, 2024 – October 26th, 2024
o November 2nd, 2024 – December 14th, 2024
Program: Dance Creative Movement - Child
• Location: Carleton Heights Community Centre
• Position: Program Leader
• Shift Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
• Dates: Saturdays
o September 14th, 2024 – October 26th, 2024
o November 2nd, 2024 – December 14th, 2024

Beginning in November looking for a motivated staff to choose a book, and run a monthly book club with seniors.
The moderator's role is to:
keep the meeting on track - digressions are fine but if the conversation strays too far off topic it's your job to bring it back.

introduce a new topic of discussion if the conversation seems to be flagging.

make sure that everyone feels that their voice has been heard and that no one person's voice is heard too much (and that includes your own!).

keep things civil - it wouldn't be much of a discussion if everybody agreed, but it is important that people express their alternate opinions in constructive ways that open a point up for discussion rather than disrespectfully squashing the opposition.

1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 4 Start Date / Date de début 31 Wed Dec, 1969 04 Mon Nov, 2024
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 5 Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes 31 Wed Dec, 1969 31 Thu Oct, 2024
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 7 Comments / Commentaires This would be a once a month shift, potentially bi-weekly to see how the program launches, looking for a motivated staff willing to put in the hours and create a fun space
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 8 Position Title / Titre de postes Prg Leader Recreation Instructor Introductory Arts
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 10 Language / Langue Bilingual English
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 12 Program Name / Nom du programme Dance Creative Movement Monthly Book Club Leader
1 09 Mon Sep, 2024 12:08 hiringsupervisor1 14 Pay Grade / Échelle salariale 1($16.88-$17.22) 6($20.22-$23.84)