
Language / Langue
Job Category / Catégorie d'emploi
General Interest / Intérêt général
Summer Jobs / Emplois d'été
Position Title / Titre de postes
Program Leader Recreation
Program Name / Nom du programme
Kids Create
Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement
Alternate Location / Emplacement secondaire
Wed 6:15 – 7:15

Start Date / Date de début
27 Wed May, 2015
Qualifications / Qualités requises
• Experience programming and instructing a school age art/craft program
• Comfortable instructing alone. No second staff
• Expected to work all class dates
• Expected to submit programming prior to start date
• Must possess excellent public relations, leadership, communication and organizational skills
• Interest and ability in art necessary

Interested? Apply by email to: / Intéressé? Envoyez votre demande par courriel à :
Alternate Email / Courriel secondaire
Pay Grade / Échelle salariale
5 ($11.77-$12.69)
Comments / Commentaires
Designed to develop your child’s creativity
and artistic skills through the introduction of
a variety of art and craft activities.
Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes
20 Fri Mar, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 14:30:49 EDT
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:07:09 EDT

The original document is available at https://wiki.ottawa.ca/prvacancies/item1534