
Language / Langue
Job Category / Catégorie d'emploi
General Interest / Intérêt général
Summer Jobs / Emplois d'été
Position Title / Titre de postes
Instructor Introductory Arts
Program Name / Nom du programme
Cartooning Beginner Level 1
Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement
Alternate Location / Emplacement secondaire
Saturdays, 3:30-5:30 pm
Start Date / Date de début
16 Mon Jan, 2012
Qualifications / Qualités requises
• Must have related experience teaching cartooning to children. Refer to comments for the course course description.
• Current First Aid/CPR/AED
• All the City of Ottawa's mandatory training (ie.: AODA, Core Training, etc.)

Interested? Apply by email to: / Intéressé? Envoyez votre demande par courriel à :
Alternate Email / Courriel secondaire
Pay Grade / Échelle salariale
12A ($14.91-$17.58)
Comments / Commentaires
For additional details,please email praful.bhindi at ottawa.ca
The course description for this program is as follows:
Discover the art of cartooning. A variety of cartooning and animation techniques will be used as students learn about this fun and
exciting field.
Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes
19 Mon Dec, 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011 10:20:57 EST
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 11:38:03 EST

The original document is available at https://wiki.ottawa.ca/prvacancies/item265