
Language / Langue
Job Category / Catégorie d'emploi
Sports / Sports
Summer Jobs / Emplois d'été
Position Title / Titre de postes
Specialist Introductory Sport
Program Name / Nom du programme
Preschool Active Start
Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement
Alternate Location / Emplacement secondaire
Active Start Parent and Tot: 18 months-2yrs, Saturdays 9:00-9:30am
Active Start Parents and Tot: 2-3yrs, Saturdays 9:30-10:00am
Active Start: 3-4yrs, Saturdays 10:00-10:45am
Active Start: 5-6yrs, Saturdays 10:45-11:30am
Location: Sainte-Kateri French Catholic School, 2450 River Mist Rd.
  • Staff required to teach all active start programs*
Start Date / Date de début
11 Sat Jan, 2014
Qualifications / Qualités requises
-Current standard first aid, cpr "c" and aed training
-Current police record check
-High five training desireable but not mandatory
-Experience working with preschoolhers in a fundamental movements/sports environment
-Able to work with minimal supervision
-Able to develop and implement lesson plans

Interested? Apply by email to: / Intéressé? Envoyez votre demande par courriel à :
Alternate Email / Courriel secondaire
Pay Grade / Échelle salariale
12A ($15.49-$18.26)
Comments / Commentaires
Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes
17 Tue Dec, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013 16:18:30 EST
Friday, December 20, 2013 14:05:38 EST

The original document is available at https://wiki.ottawa.ca/prvacancies/item994