

Language / Langue
Job Category / Catégorie d'emploi
Fitness / Conditionnement physique
Summer Jobs / Emplois d'été
Position Title / Titre de postes
Specialist Introductory Sport
Program Name / Nom du programme
Location Name / Nom de l'emplacement
Alternate Location / Emplacement secondaire
Mon & Wed,5:00-6:00 pm
Tues & Thurs, 5:30-6:50 pm
Start Date / Date de début
06 Tue Sep, 2011
Qualifications / Qualités requises
• Valid Standard First Aid/AED/CPR “C” Certification
• Valid Police Record Check
• All City of Ottawa required mandatory training (i.e. AODA, Core Training, High-5 etc…)
• Knowledge & understanding of courses & ability to teach in a structured environment.
• 2 years experience in Go Ju Ryu Karate
• Must be of Meibukan Lineage
• Have acquired brown belt level or higher

General Expectations
• Always arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the beginning of the course to prepare the room, take out equipment, and welcome clients.
• Offer complete classes that are safe and motivating.
• Required knowledge to teach participants about the benefits of this program.
• Willing to promote other programs offered at this location and other City of Ottawa facilities.
• Attend all meetings and training sessions as deemed necessary by the Program Coordinator and/or Centre Director.
• Perform all functions as listed in the job description as well as this centre’s specific duties and expectations.

Interested? Apply by email to: / Intéressé? Envoyez votre demande par courriel à :
Alternate Email / Courriel secondaire
Pay Grade / Échelle salariale
12A ($14.91-$17.58)
Comments / Commentaires
Application Deadline / Date limite de présentation des demandes
08 Thu Sep, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011 11:44:50 EDT
Wednesday, September 28, 2011 09:28:34 EDT